March 27, 2023

WATCH: Congressman Maxwell Frost Gives Impassioned Speech on Gun Violence Following Shooting in Nashville

WASHINGTON, DC — Following the tragic, senseless murder of six people, including three innocent children at a Nashville school, Congressman Maxwell Frost took to the House floor to deliver a powerful speech calling out inaction on common sense gun violence reform measures.


Watch Congressman Frost’s Speech Here 


In his remarks, Rep. Frost says:

“I rise today because I am furious.

“Angry that 3 kids died today in Nashville, Tennessee.

“Angry that hundreds of parents had to cry their eyes out today not knowing if their child would come home from school.

“And angry that we have to live day after day where we turn on the news to see rampant gun violence claim life after life.

“And all of this is because politicians in this chamber that have been bought and paid for by the NRA. That put profits over people, over human lives.

“Cowards who wasted our time last week, passing a ”Parental Bill of Rights,” not giving a damn about the rights of children to be able to go to their classroom without the fear of being gunned down dueto senseless gun violence.

“It is likely that at this moment, the next mass shooter is planning their shooting.

“What will this chamber do about it?

“I filed my first bill last week to simply create a federal office of gun violence prevention.

“Three kids are dead today. And every day that we wait, 100 more people die.

“I pray to God that there are some Republicans in this chamber that will support this legislation so we can save lives.”

