February 02, 2023

Frost Introduces Protect Social Security and Medicare Act

WASHINGTON, DC Today, U.S. Representatives Maxwell Frost (FL-10), Mark Pocan (WI-02), and Lloyd Doggett (TX-37), introduced the Protect Social Security and Medicare Act. This bill aims to prevent House Republicans from cutting Medicare and Social Security by raising the vote threshold to two-thirds in both the House and Senate for any legislation that would reduce benefits under either program.

“For millions of seniors and working people across Florida, Social Security and Medicare are a lifeline that means the difference between having the financial support and healthcare you need to live, or going without,” said Rep. Frost. “After decades of bipartisan support for these critical programs, Republicans want to put them on the chopping block to pay for their tax cuts to the rich – but we won’t let them. I refuse to turn my back on the seniors, disabled Floridians, and working families who depend on these programs and will fight to ensure cuts to Medicare and Social Security never see the light of day.”

“Medicare and Social Security are overwhelmingly popular for good reason – they provide critically important benefits to seniors and other vulnerable Americans. We all pay into both of these programs and are counting on them for essential healthcare and a dignified retirement,” said Rep. Pocan. “The Protect Social Security and Medicare Act will ensure that these benefits are protected from changes that lack widespread support.”

“This legislation would ensure that Republicans are not permitted to fulfill Newt Gingrich’s desire of letting Social Security and Medicare ‘wither on the vine,’ said Rep. Doggett. “With the ongoing Republican attempt to use the debt limit to extract cuts, this bill offers added protection for fulfilling our promise that every American worker can retire with dignity and security.”

According to a recent poll by the Economist/YouGov, 70% of Americans oppose the brutal cuts proposed by House Republicans. The Washington Post described the GOP plans to rob seniors as “deeply unpopular.” The Protect Social Security and Medicare Act aims to ensure that these benefits are protected from such cuts.

Endorsed by Social Security Works, the Protect Social Security and Medicare Act requires a two-thirds supermajority vote to pass any legislation that would reduce benefits under either program, protecting seniors’ safety net from changes that lack widespread support.
