July 18, 2023

Frost Fights for Flight Attendants, Airline Crews As Part of FAA Reauthorization Bill

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost (FL-10) took action in support of flight attendants and airline crews by introducing an amendment to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization bill that would ensure airline workers receive the resources they need should they become victims of violent or aggressive passengers while on the job.

The amendment, which would establish an airline personnel support fund using the fines collected from passengers who have committed verbal or physical acts against flight attendants, service agents, flight and cabin crews, and more, would help airline workers offset the costs of any potential medical bills, counseling, time off, or time spent testifying in court against assailants. 

Frost’s action comes as Orlando International Airport ranks as the 7th busiest airport in the nation and as unruly passenger incidents on planes increased 47 percent from 2021 to 2022.

“The Orlando area is a premier global destination, home to incredible tourist attractions that draw millions of people in from all over the world – the hard-working folks who keep our airlines and airports running are a critical part of supporting our tourist economy, now’s our turn to take care of them,” said Congressman Maxwell Frost. “My amendment to the FAA bill is a common sense solution to ensure flight attendants and all airline crew have the support and resources they need after facing verbal or physical attacks on the job.”

In a statement, the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA said:  “When passengers behave dangerously in airports and on planes, the consequences can last far beyond the incident itself for aviation workers. We are grateful to Rep. Frost for recognizing the long-term emotional and physical harm from these incidents and for this amendment that would dedicate funds generated from fines to helping affected aviation personnel. We urge Congress to adopt this amendment.”
