January 27, 2023

Frost Delivers Powerful Floor Speech on Gun Violence Following Mass Shootings Across Nation

WASHINGTON, DC – Today Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost (FL-10) delivered a powerful and moving floor speech calling for gun violence reform following the devastating mass shootings that have taken place across the nation, bringing the United States to 39 mass shootings in just three weeks.

View Congressman Frost’s Speech Here

Below are Rep. Frost’s remarks as delivered:

“Mr. Speaker, I rise today because our nation continues to have blood on its hands.

“This week we once again bore witness to the senseless murder of dozens of innocent people. 

“Where states like California experienced 3 mass shootings in just 44 hours.

“How many more sisters, brothers, siblings, parents, grandparents, and loved ones have to be senselessly shot and killed?

“That doesn't sound like freedom to me. Our people deserve the freedom of living without the fear of gun violence. Freedom to go to the grocery store, school, and to live life for God’s sake – When will we stop valuing guns more than human life?

“Can anyone in this chamber look a parent in the eyes who just lost a child due to gun violence and tell them that their child isn’t worth meaningful action? 

“I won’t. 

“But yet here we are.

“Another shooting.

“Another day.

“And another community devastated due to senseless gun violence.” 
