March 07, 2023

Congressman Maxwell Frost Statement on Reports U.S. Considering Reinstating Migrant Family Detention Program

WASHINGTON, DC Today, Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost (FL-10) released a statement following reports that the U.S. is considering restarting the migrant family detention program, which would allow for migrant families, including small children, to be held in detention centers close to the border. 

In a statement, Rep. Frost says:

“I am disgusted and disappointed that our nation would ever consider reinstating a program that has been proven to cause harmful, long-term effects on migrant families, especially children, who have been forced to flee their home nations in search of freedom, safety, and democracy.

“We abandoned this family detention program for a reason – it is a failed policy that is incapable of offering humanity and compassion to migrants when they need it most.

“I urge the Administration not to pursue this inhumane policy.

 “We must come to the table to find a real, comprehensive solution to this humanitarian crisis.”
