March 25, 2024

Congressman Maxwell Frost Announces New Legislation, the Prevent Illegal Gun Resales Act

New Frost Bill Would Crackdown on Unscrupulous Gun Dealers

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost (D-FL), alongside Reps. Robin Kelly (D-IL) and Delia Ramirez (D-IL) announced the introduction of the Prevent Illegal Gun Resales Act, legislation aimed at tackling the flow of illegal guns into communities and neighborhoods by holding gun retailers accountable for selling to bad actors also known as straw purchasers, who turn around and sell guns to people who are not legally allowed to own them.

Congressman Frost’s legislation would go after gun retailers who enable unscrupulous gun dealers as statistics show that 90 percent of guns used in crimes come from about 5 percent of gun dealers.

The Prevent Illegal Gun Resales Act would add common sense structural reform to the gun sale industry by boosting license application requirements for gun retailers, proportionally increasing the cost of licensing fees, and adding a new definition for “high-risk dealers” that would include sellers who:

  • Had a known violation or warning in the past three years;

  • Had firearms either lost or stolen from them within the preceding year; or,

  • Were the source of two or more guns with a time-to-crime of three years or less.

High-risk dealers will have to take the simple, but life-saving, steps to modernize recordkeeping, keep video and audio records of all firearms transactions, install a burglar alarm and secure firearms in a safe during non-business hours – all in an effort to stop the flow of illegal guns and save lives.

“Gun sellers who turn a blind eye to the person purchasing a gun from them are a danger to our communities,” said Congressman Frost. “These sellers should be held more responsible for the lives lost, the families destroyed, or the neighborhoods forever changed by gun violence. They only care about making a sale. The Prevent Illegal Gun Resales Act is one of the steps we need to take to get to the root of the problem and hold gun retailers accountable for their part in enabling straw purchasing and for the pain and hurt they inflict on our people.”

“Regulatory gaps for gun dealers put our children’s lives in danger and make our communities less safe. Just a handful of gun dealers are responsible for the vast majority of gun crimes, it’s long past time for Congress to crack down on these high-risk dealers and make sure that guns don’t fall into the wrong hands,” said Congresswoman Robin Kelly. “I am proud to lead the Prevent Illegal Gun Resales Act with Congressman Frost to keep our communities safe and save tens of thousands of lives.”

"Every single member of our community deserves to live fulfilling lives free from the horrific impact of gun violence. That's why, as a state legislator, I championed common-sense and groundbreaking laws to protect the families of Illinois from gun violence. Now, as a member of Congress, I am committed to ensuring our nation follows the lead of Illinois with common-sense measures that allow us to address the gun violence epidemic," said Congresswoman Ramirez. "In Illinois, especially in Chicago and the suburban areas, we know that a significant number of illegal firearms recovered originate outside of the state, many coming from Indiana and Wisconsin. The effect of lax gun laws from other states in our communities is unacceptable and must be stopped. I am grateful to be co-leading with Representative Frost the Prevent Illegal Gun Resales Act to finally put a stop to the illegal sale and interstate trafficking of guns that is making our communities less safe.

The legislation has been endorsed by March for Our Lives, Community Justice, Everytown, Giffords, and Brady.

“Gun sellers have operated with near impunity for far too long. If we want to be serious about ending gun violence, we need to address upstream access and ensure that sellers and manufacturers act responsibly to prevent illegal resales of firearms,” said Natalie Fall, Executive Director of March For Our Lives. “The Prevent Illegal Gun Resales Act does just that, and March For Our Lives is proud to stand alongside our friend Rep. Maxwell Frost in supporting this bill.” 

“Gun violence disproportionately threatens Black and brown communities in Orlando and across the country, where easy access to illegal guns can turn any conflict fatal,” said Amber Goodwin, Founder of Community Justice. “Our communities deserve legislative solutions like the Prevent Illegal Gun Resales Act to hold the handful of bad-faith gun dealers accountable who are disproportionately responsible for the illegal gun trafficking that fuels America’s gun and community violence epidemic. Community Justice commends Representative Frost for his continued leadership to eliminate the illegal flow of guns into our neighborhoods and urges Congress to swiftly act on this important legislation, safeguarding American communities from preventable violence.”

“The first step in preventing guns from ending up in the wrong hands is ensuring gun dealers are taking steps to prevent firearms trafficking and straw purchasing — and holding them accountable if they fail to meet their obligations. We applaud Representative Frost for introducing this important legislation to keep our communities safe from gun violence and urge Congress to pass it,” said John Feinblatt, President of Everytown for Gun Safety.

“Reckless gun dealers’ irresponsible practices facilitate firearm trafficking, which disproportionately harms Black and Brown communities. That’s why these communities have been asking for policies that protect them by keeping guns out of the illegal secondary market. By ensuring that licensed firearm dealers implement responsible business practices, policies, and procedures, we can prevent guns from ending up in the illegal market and prevent future tragedies from occurring. The Prevent Illegal Gun Resales Act will help stop the diversion of firearms to the illegal market, hold reckless gun dealers accountable, and protect Americans. Brady thanks Rep. Frost for his consistent advocacy and efforts to end gun violence,” said Kris Brown, Brady President.
