October 08, 2024

Ahead of Hurricane Milton’s Landfall, Congressman Maxwell Frost Joins NOAA’S Hurricane Hunters for Flight Into the Storm

Frost takes flight to observe the gathering of vital data to help improve track and intensity forecasts

Photos and footage from the flight can be found here

ORLANDO, FL — Early this morning, Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost (FL-10) returned from a flight directly into Hurricane Milton, a Category 5 hurricane at the time of the flight, with sustained winds exceeding 175 mph in the Gulf of Mexico. Congressman Frost, a member of the Space, Science, and Technology committee, which oversees the functions and budget of NOAA, joined NOAA's Hurricane Hunters to observe as they collect critical atmospheric data to improve the accuracy of storm forecasts ahead of its landfall in Florida. 

With Central Florida in the storm's direct path, Frost hopes his experience will encourage Floridians to take all necessary preparations in anticipation of this unprecedented and serious storm .

In a statement, Rep. Frost describes the experience and sends message to Floridians: 

"As my team and I do everything we can to prepare for Hurricane Milton, last night, I was invited by NOAA to fly into the storm with the agency's specialized group of Hurricane Hunters. The scientists on board analyze storm information and subsequently send it to the National Hurricane Center, aiding in the creation of predictions and storm tracks that play a vital role in saving lives. During our flight, we penetrated Hurricane Milton's eye three times as it reached Category 5 strength. The turbulence during our flight was extremely intense, and at one point, we free-fell several thousand feet, which underscored the storm's ferocity. 

"After countless hours flying through Hurricane Milton, and seeing the atmospheric data come in firsthand, I can confidently say this storm deserves serious attention from every Central Floridian. Regardless of its impact category, the storm surge, flooding, and high winds will result in significant destruction and will put countless lives and vulnerable communities at risk. Please prepare, sign up for local emergency alerts, and know that our office is here to help you navigate the storm."

Visit nhc.noaa.gov for the latest forecast and advisories on Hurricane Milton. Central Floridians can also access Rep. Frost’s hurricane resource guide, which has already been sent to nearly 300k constituents. As residents finalize their preparations for Hurricane Milton, they can follow @RepMaxwellFrost on social media for federal and local resources. For additional support following the storm regarding FEMA claims or assistance with federal agencies, FL-10 constituents can call the office at 321-388-9808 or visit frost.house.gov to submit a casework request. 

