
March 26, 2023

MSNBC: Jen Psaki tours vinyl record store with Gen Z Congressman Maxwell Frost

Jen Psaki and Congressman Maxwell Frost grab a coffee and check out a vinyl record store. Representative Frost discusses why he got into politics, his love for music, and what it’s like being the youngest member of … Continue Reading

March 22, 2023

Politico: A bill unveiled by Maxwell Frost and Chris Murphy would create a federal office dedicated to gun violence prevention. But Senate Republicans still have doubts on further moves.

What's happening: Democratic Rep. Maxwell Frost and Sen. Chris Murphy introduced gun reform legislation on Tuesday that would help to further implement the bipartisan bill passed last summer. But Senate Republicans aren't eager to pass another measure on the matter. The details: The bill would create the Office of Gun Violence Prevention under the Department of Justice, and would help further implement new regulations imposed by the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act signed into law last June. … Continue Reading

March 22, 2023

Orlando Sentinel: U.S. Rep. Maxwell Frost focuses on gun violence in 1st bill

U.S. Rep. Maxwell Frost, Orlando’s new Gen Z congressman, is making gun violence the focus of his first bill. Frost filed legislation on Wednesday that would create an office within the U.S. Department of Justice to coordinate the nation’s response to gun violence. “I got involved in politics because of gun violence,” the 26-year-old Democrat said in an interview. “Going to the vigil after Sandy Hook served as my call to action. It is an issue I hold close to my heart. It’s an issue that … Continue Reading

February 28, 2023

Vanity Fair: “Gen Z Isn’t Waiting”: Maxwell Frost, Congress’s Youngest Member, Gets a Bumpy Introduction to Washington

Shortly after 7 P.M. on January 3, down a cobblestone alley in the splashy Washington, DC, waterfront known as The Wharf, a steady pulse emanated from Union Stage. Inside was a raucous scene: strobing lights, high-top tables covered with empties, the stagnant smell of beer-soaked floors. A backlit white sign near the entrance read “Tonight: Swearing In Concert of Maxwell Alejandro Frost.” Inside, an eclectic crowd—half dressed like they’d just left meetings on Capitol Hill, the other half like … Continue Reading

February 10, 2023

Washington Post: Opinion: This Gen Z Democrat is deftly skewering right-wing fantasies

Rep. Maxwell Frost, the first Gen Z member of Congress, had numerous breakthrough moments this week during hearings run by House Republicans. The Florida Democrat’s performance did more than unmask the folly of GOP investigations, though it certainly did that. Subtly but unmistakably, he signaled a generational turn in the Democratic Party. Young, rising Democrats such as Frost and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York — whose own big moment this week revealed Twitter’s special treatment … Continue Reading

February 08, 2023

Consequence: Gen Z Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost on Why Music Is One of His Top Legislative Priorities

When Maxwell Alejandro Frost is asked to reflect on how he became the first member of Gen Z to be elected to Congress, he draws a straight line back to the first time he heard Camille Saint-Saëns’ “The Swan” performed on cello. “[It] was the first time I remember crying to music,” Frost tells Consequence. “And my dad just said, ‘It’s okay.’ Getting that vulnerability validated by my father, my dad, I think it really led to me who I am today. It made me okay with being vulnerable.” That … Continue Reading

January 26, 2023

People: Maxwell Frost: Behind the Scenes (and in the Underground Tunnels!) at the Capitol with the Gen Z Congressman

Newly elected Florida Rep. Maxwell Frost welcomes PEOPLE to his new part-time home: the U.S. Capitol. Between the velvet ropes where he stands, rioters marched two years prior in an attempt to thwart Joe Biden from getting the presidency. Now, Statuary Hall has regained some of its joy and sanctity, as tourists walk among lawmakers and business proceeds as usual. The first Afro-Cuban member of Congress knows that he's just one voice in a chamber of 435 representatives, but 26-year-old Frost … Continue Reading

January 09, 2023

The New Yorker: The First Gen Z Congressman Believes He Can Change Washington

Just before noon last Tuesday, Maxwell Alejandro Frost walked into the Capitol for the first session of Congress. Dressed in a sleek navy suit, with a gold-plated pin on his lapel, he made his way to the eastern side of the House chamber, joining other newly elected Democrats. At twenty-five, Frost is Congress’s first Afro-Cuban and Gen Z member. Less than two months had elapsed since Frost won his seat in Florida’s Tenth Congressional District, an area that encompasses most of Orlando, by … Continue Reading

January 05, 2023

Teen Vogue: Florida Congressman Maxwell Frost on the Power of Gen Z, Family, and Organizing

Four minutes before eight on election night, as Hurricane Nicole closes in on Florida, Kendrick Lamar’s “Alright” ushers in Maxwell Alejandro Frost’s historic win: The 25-year-old is officially the first member of Gen Z — and the first Afro-Cuban — elected to Congress. Lamar’s lyrics, “Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon' be alright,” echo through the dim room of mostly Gen Z’ers at The Abbey in downtown Orlando. Frost had done the inconceivable in defeating Republican Calvin Wimbish, a … Continue Reading

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