February 22, 2023

Frost Statement on Tragic Shootings in Pine Hills

ORLANDO – Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost (FL-10) released a statement following news reports of multiple shootings in a Pine Hills neighborhood that has left three people dead, including a 9-year-old child and a local News 13 reporter.

In a statement, Rep. Frost said:

“Tonight, my heart is with the victims of this senseless tragedy and the families mourning the inexplicable pain that comes with losing a loved one to gun violence.

“Our Central Florida community has once again been devastated at the hands of a gun.

“Tonight, an innocent person who was simply trying to do their job doesn’t get to go home. Tomorrow, a 9-year-old child won’t get to wake up because someone with a gun decided their life had to end.

“Our children are literally dying in our streets, while leaders like Ron DeSantis stall and offer nothing but thoughts and prayers only to turn around and push through permitless gun carry bills that will make shootings like this an everyday reality.

“When will the loss of life be enough for us to take meaningful actions? When will this stop being our new normal?

“Tonight, alongside Central Florida, my heart aches.”
