July 23, 2024

Congressman Maxwell Frost Statement on Body Cam Footage of Fatal Police Shooting of Sonya Massey

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost (D-FL) released a statement following the release of the body cam footage that captured the deadly shooting of Sonya Massey, an innocent Black woman who was murdered in her own home by an Illinois police officer after calling 911 for help. 

In a statement Rep. Frost says:

“Sonya Massey should still be alive. This footage proves beyond a doubt that Sonya Massey was no threat to the police officer who killed her and was murdered simply for being a Black person asking for help in America. 

“We must be clear-eyed in the need for policy action and see this tragedy for what it is — a racist abuse of power by police.

“This isn't just an isolated incident by one ‘bad apple,’ but part of a broader pattern in policing of systemic racism, senseless gun violence, and abuse of power.

“It is a damn shame that it has been years since the Black Lives Matter uprising, yet we have still not achieved the type of reimagining and accountability needed to have a system that truly works for all Americans. It's time for Congress to take decisive action, including voting on the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act and Ending Qualified Immunity Act — in honor of Sonya and the many we may never know. 

“As the nation mourns and grieves the tragic murder of Sonya, I send love and prayers to her family and community.”
