December 13, 2023

Congressman Maxwell Frost Statement on H.Res. 927

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost (FL-10) released a statement on H.Res. 927.

In a statement, Rep. Frost says:

“I continue to condemn any and all acts of hate and antisemitism on college campuses and in communities across our country and our world. Anti-semitic rhetoric and attacks are rising on college campuses, creating a hostile and unsafe environment for Jewish students. Each and every institution must be dedicated to ensuring the safety and protection of their Jewish students, period. Death threats against members of our Jewish community, and calls for the genocide of Jewish people are abhorrent, and I forcefully denounce them.

“I am also disappointed by the way the three college presidents cited in this resolution handled the important hearing held by the Education Committee on antisemitism in college campuses.

“But let’s be clear, as much as I wish this were not the case, this resolution does nothing to make our Jewish students safer on college campuses.

“Week after week, I have called for our Republican-led Congress to do more than pass toothless resolutions that point fingers and do nothing to address the rising problem of antisemitism head on. Week after week, I have called for serious bipartisan legislation that will produce real results, instead of non-binding resolutions that only offer politically motivated messaging.

“I voted against this resolution because we cannot allow House Republicans to weaponize the power of this institution to continue to bully and destroy places of higher learning under false claims of fighting antisemitism.”
