December 05, 2023

Congressman Maxwell Frost Statement on H.Res. 894

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost (FL-10) released a statement after House passage of H.Res. 894, a Republican-led resolution condemning and denouncing the drastic rise in antisemitism in the United States and around the world, that falsely equated anti-Zionism with antisemitism.

In a statement, Rep. Frost says:

“I have and always will continue to strongly condemn antisemitism in all shapes and forms in Florida, across our nation, and across the world, which is why I voted “yes” to support our Jewish brothers, sisters, and siblings who are fearfully watching antisemitism rise in our country.

“But I disagree with the statement in this resolution that “anti-Zionism is antisemitism” and I do not believe that being critical of Israel’s actions is inherently anti-semitic. The intent of moving this resolution forward by the Republican majority was to undermine Democrats, not support the Jewish community, by including an unnecessary and divisive line equating anti-Zionism to antisemitism.

“While I voted yes in order to send a clear message to my community that I stand against antisemitism, the intent of the author of the resolution was to attack and silence any criticism of the Israeli government under the guise of condemning antisemitism while taking advantage of the pain and suffering of the Jewish community. 

“Voicing criticisms of Zionism, and critiquing the actions of the Israeli government is not inherently antisemitic. By including this unnecessary line in the resolution, the Republican majority is using the pain and suffering of the ongoing war to score points. It's a despicable tactic that only endangers Jewish communities across the country, takes advantage of Palestinian suffering, and only seeks to divide us at a time where we need to be united to achieve peace and end hate.”
