August 09, 2023

Congressman Maxwell Frost Statement on Gov. DeSantis Suspension of State Attorney Monique Worrell

ORLANDO, FL — Today, Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost (FL-10) released a statement following the news that Governor Ron DeSantis has suspended Orange-Osceola State Attorney Monique Worrell from office, a decision similar to the unconstitutional suspension of Hillsborough County State Attorney Andrew Warren. 

Frost, who in June of this year held an emergency ad-hoc hearing to investigate the shocking abuses of power happening in Florida at the hands of Governor DeSantis, cited the Governor's intimidation of SA Worrell in a powerful 19-page memo as it became blatantly clear that this was “part of a larger strategy to put together a pretext for [Worrell’s] suspension.”

In a statement, Rep. Frost says:

“We saw this coming from a mile away – with his presidential campaign up in flames, wanna-be dictator Governor Ron DeSantis is taking a page out of his tired playbook by unconstitutionally suspending a duly elected State Attorney to breathe life back into his tired conservative persona.

“For months, this Governor has chosen to not only attack but abuse the power of his office to feed red meat to his conservative base and remove elected officials who threaten his agenda.

“But once again, it's our communities and the people of Florida that have become pawns in DeSantis’s long-term plans for total and absolute power. 

“Where has this Governor been as our insurance market collapses? Or as thousands of people get priced out of their homes during one of the worst affordability crises our state has ever seen while Florida battles record inflation?

“He’s not in Florida because he does not care.

“There is only one person in our state whose’ administration has been "clearly and fundamentally derelict, so as to constitute neglect of duty and incompetence" and it’s the person sitting in the Governor’s Mansion.

“State Attorney Worrell is a duly elected public servant who has done her job. The people of Orange County see this fraud suspension for what it is and continue to offer her our support as she fights this overreach of power. We will not stand for this blatant abuse of power and fascism in our state.”
