
April 2023
Orlando Sentinel: Orlando Sentinel: Frost to DeSantis: Why didn’t Florida take anti-gun violence money from feds?
March 2023
Politico: Politico Power List MSNBC: Jen Psaki tours vinyl record store with Gen Z Congressman Maxwell Frost
Orlando Sentinel: Orlando Sentinel: U.S. Rep. Maxwell Frost focuses on gun violence in 1st bill
Politico: Politico: A bill unveiled by Maxwell Frost and Chris Murphy would create a federal office dedicated to gun violence prevention. But Senate Republicans still have doubts on further moves.
February 2023
Vanity Fair: Vanity Fair: “Gen Z Isn’t Waiting”: Maxwell Frost, Congress’s Youngest Member, Gets a Bumpy Introduction to Washington

By Greg Sargent

: Washington Post: Opinion: This Gen Z Democrat is deftly skewering right-wing fantasies
Consequence: Consequence: Gen Z Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost on Why Music Is One of His Top Legislative Priorities
January 2023
Kyler Alvord: People: Maxwell Frost: Behind the Scenes (and in the Underground Tunnels!) at the Capitol with the Gen Z Congressman
New Yorker: The New Yorker: The First Gen Z Congressman Believes He Can Change Washington
Teen Vogue: Teen Vogue: Florida Congressman Maxwell Frost on the Power of Gen Z, Family, and Organizing
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